目前分類:Mikedoley Liu 藝術-CLR (52)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要

CLR01-Father and Son父子情深

Mikedoley Liu😍CLR01-Father and

CLR01|Father and Son 父子情深|虎 The Tiger

Mikedoley Liu😍CLR01-Father and
Mikedoley Liu😍CLR01-Father and

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CLR02-Father and Son父子情深

Mikedoley Liu😍CLR02-Father and

CLR02|Father and Son 父子情深|灰狼 The Grey Wolf

Mikedoley Liu😍CLR02-Father and
Mikedoley Liu😍CLR02-Father and

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CLR03-Father and Daughter 父女情深

Mikedoley Liu😍CLR03-Father and

CLR03-Father and Daughter 父女情深|黑豹 The Panther

Mikedoley Liu😍CLR03-Father and
Mikedoley Liu😍CLR03-Father and

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CLR04-Mather and Daughter 母女情深

Mikedoley Liu😍CLR04-Mather and

CLR04|Mather and Daughter 母女情深|棕熊 The Brown Bear

Mikedoley Liu😍CLR04-Mather and
Mikedoley Liu😍CLR04-Mather and

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CLR05-Mother and Child 母子情深

Mikedoley Liu😍CLR05-Mother and

CLR05| Mother and Child 母子情深|紅毛猩猩 The Orangutan

Mikedoley Liu😍CLR05-Mother and
Mikedoley Liu😍CLR05-Mother and

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CLR06- Looking for Cool in Summer 夏日尋涼

Mikedoley Liu😍CLR06- Looking f

CLR06| Looking for Cool in Summer夏日尋涼 |斑鬣狗 The Spotted Hyena

Mikedoley Liu😍CLR06- Looking f
Mikedoley Liu😍CLR06- Looking f

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CLR07-Families Together 家族聚合

Mikedoley Liu😍CLR07-Families T

CLR07| Families Together家族聚合| 山羊 The Goat

Mikedoley Liu😍CLR07-Families T
Mikedoley Liu😍CLR07-Families T

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CLR08-The Wild Duck Playing With Water 野鴉戲水

Mikedoley Liu😍CLR08-The Wild D

CLR08 | The Wild Duck Playing With Water 野鴉戲水|野鴨與鱷魚The Wild Duck & the Crocodile

Mikedoley Liu😍CLR08-The Wild D
Mikedoley Liu😍CLR08-The Wild D

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CLR09-Land Restorer 土地修復者

Mikedoley Liu😍CLR09-Land Resto

CLR09|Land Restorer 土地修復者|草原野牛 The Prairie Bison

Mikedoley Liu😍CLR09-Land Resto
Mikedoley Liu😍CLR09-Land Resto

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CLR10-The Good Helper 幹活好幫手

Mikedoley Liu😍CLR10-The Good H

CLR10|The Good Helper 幹活好幫手 |野驢 The Wild Donkey

Mikedoley Liu😍CLR10-The Good H
Mikedoley Liu😍CLR10-The Good H

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CLR11- I Love Lollipops 我愛棒棒糖

Mikedoley Liu😍CLR11- I Love Lo

CLR11| I Love Lollipops 我愛棒棒糖 |狗狗 The Dog

Mikedoley Liu😍CLR11- I Love Lo
Mikedoley Liu😍CLR11- I Love Lo

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CLR12-My Heart Gentle 我心溫柔

Mikedoley Liu😍CLR12-My Heart G

CLR12|My Heart Gentle 我心溫柔 |狗狗 The Dog

Mikedoley Liu😍CLR12-My Heart G
Mikedoley Liu😍CLR12-My Heart G

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CLR13- Brotherhood 兄弟情

Mikedoley Liu😍CLR13- Brotherho

CLR13| Brotherhood 兄弟情 |水牛 The Water Buffalo

Mikedoley Liu😍CLR13- Brotherho
Mikedoley Liu😍CLR13- Brotherho

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CLR14- Never Leave or Forsake 不即不離

Mikedoley Liu😍CLR14- Never Lea

CLR14|Never Leave or Forsake 不即不離 |麋鹿 The Elk

Mikedoley Liu😍CLR14- Never Lea
Mikedoley Liu😍CLR14- Never Lea

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CLR15- The Good Partner of the Ranch 農家好夥伴

Mikedoley Liu😍CLR15- The Good

CLR15|The Good Partner of the Ranch 農家好夥伴 |黃牛與狗 The Ox and the Dog

Mikedoley Liu😍CLR15- The Good
Mikedoley Liu😍CLR15- The Good

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CLR16-Winter is Coming, Spring is not Far 冬既來,春不遠

Mikedoley Liu😍CLR16-Winter is

CLR16|Winter is Coming, Spring is not Far 冬既來,春不遠 |麋鹿 The Elk

Mikedoley Liu😍CLR16-Winter is
Mikedoley Liu😍CLR16-Winter is

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CLR17- The Naughty Cat Teasing Fish 頑貓戲魚

Mikedoley Liu😍CLR17- The Naugh

CLR17| The Naughty Cat Teasing Fish 頑貓戲魚 |貓和魚The Cat & the Fish

Mikedoley Liu😍CLR17- The Naugh
Mikedoley Liu😍CLR17- The Naugh

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CLR18- The Naughty Cat is Stealing Fish 頑貓盜魚

Mikedoley Liu😍CLR18- The Naugh

CLR18|The Naughty Cat is Stealing Fish 頑貓盜魚 |貓和魚The Cat & the Fish

Mikedoley Liu😍CLR18- The Naugh
Mikedoley Liu😍CLR18- The Naugh

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CLR19- Full Harvest 滿載豐收

Mikedoley Liu😍CLR19- Full Harv

CLR19| Full Harvest 滿載豐收| 漁人和魚 The Fisherman & the Fish

Mikedoley Liu😍CLR19- Full Harv
Mikedoley Liu😍CLR19- Full Harv

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CLR20-Harvest Feast 豐收盛宴

Mikedoley Liu😍CLR20-Harvest Fe

CLR20|Harvest Feast 豐收盛宴 |漁人和魚 The Fisherman & the Fish

Mikedoley Liu😍CLR20-Harvest Fe
Mikedoley Liu😍CLR20-Harvest Fe

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